Sunday, August 15, 2004

What Do I Do?? Any Suggestions??

Since I've been here in Oklahoma, I've put in application after application, to no avail! No one bothered to tell me if you don't carry an Oklahoma Driver's license, you don't work in Oklahoma. Picky aren't they? No My Mother's Husband decided to tell my children that this place has been broken down because they are here. Here's more the fact, If it weren't for my 12 yr old the trash would still be piled up all over the place. He's the one that got out there and busted his ass for almost 3 weeks, paid a whole $40 dollars for at least 6 hours a day in the 3 weeks. But that's not using my child. Yes, today I'm Bitching, Raising Hell!! Say what you will to me, Don't mess with my Children. If he thinks that he's hurting my feelings by letting me know I'm not wanted here, well he's wasting his time. But to hurt my children, Pisses me off beyond belief. And He was actually Shocked I got in his face and told him to stay away from them and not to say another word to them either. Sadly, Sunday is known as "Fight Day" in my family. I remember going to church every Sunday to come home to all the fights and arguements of everyone else. It never mattered how good a mood someone was in, Someone has to fight.

As some know I haven't been here long. Now I have to find a way to go back to Texas. That's the last place I want to live. Of course No one understands. My List of people that matter is getting smaller by the day. Sad?? Nah.... It's life. I'm just glad none of you know my family. I'd never be able to show my face on here again. Now that's sad!!!


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