Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Fleeing from the Company of "Misery"!

Last night I had a BLAST! I believe he did too, I guess I could Ask? *shrugs bare shoulders* As the night went on we chatted, flirted, and teased. Of course, all good things come to an end, so at 4:26 AM I headed off to bed. At 8:15, I was up and just about ready to go, Mom was running late. The wake up call was to be at 7, so we could be at the Health Dept by 8. Just didn't happen! As usual, it became my fault that "my" children had to eat before we left. Oh and Andy and I were playing a few games of Pool while waiting. This is what set her off, she was irritated beyond belief. I think she's afraid I might have a little fun, (or simply not be totally miserable), We all know what they say!! "Misery Loves Company!" After she threw several fits, cooked something, she walks out the back door screaming, "If you're going with me get in the truck!" Barely giving Andy enough time to sink the eight ball and beat me again. LOL Don't worry, I don't mind losing to him, anyone else, well let's just say competitiveness is contagious.

Off to the Health Deparment we go, time for shots. Uh oh, Alex (12) needs two instead of the one he expected. She gets the shots ready, he decides he doesn't want them and wants to go back to Texas. He was fighting, we were trying to assure him it would be over in no time. So we sat him in my lap, my holding his arms down to his sides, she administers the shots and it's over. Next in line, Chance (4), he was very impatient, telling the "Nursy" to hurry and get me my shots. Of course, after the first stick he wasn't as sure as before. With him needing four shots, this meant fun was coming! We did meet with some resistance, not anything near what Alex gave us. It was then all over, few tears, and he receives a book and a tootsie roll. Bobby (15), sits down nervously, looks up at me, and begins to pull up his left sleeve. I told him to take his, count it ONE shot in his right arm. He uses it more often being right-handed, therefore, he can "work the soreness out" much faster. Out the door with papers in hand to get them into school, *Grinning Hugely* Thinking of the silence I will have tomorrow as no children will be here fighting. I go to a few more places and make appts. Finally, heading back to where we are staying for the moment. As of yesterday, I was informed we have to be moved out by Saturday! Hell, if I get anymore "GOOD NEWS," I'm liable to have to go into histerics. And No you can Not Watch!!! But if My Mother doesn't lighten up, Well the phrase, "I haven't killed anyone, yet" will not be truthful in my standing.

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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