Monday, August 16, 2004

The Way You Make Me FEEL!!!

Depending on our moods, I can feel content, excited or just plain over-heated. Makes it hard to sleep sometimes being so riled at times. I know you know that feeling as well. Control of my words is something I don't have all the times. Emotions run high when we talk either on the net or the phone. I can't hide that part of me for some reason. Maybe it's the passionate side of me. And to say it's just a sexual attraction, would be untrue. Don't get me wrong, it's there, but to be able to lay next to you touching you would satisfy me. To Look deep in your eyes, hear you breathe, your voice vibrate through my soul, it's this and so much more. I know I tend to be too romantic. But I don't look out the window looking for the "Knight in Shining Armor." To say I would gladly wake up to your face every morning, would be an understatement! Of course, I'll work around the mirror so you can wake up to it too.. Or were you going to use the pic on the pillow thing?? LOL Then, there are the times you pull back, just as we seem to be so close. It makes me wonder if it's me or you. I don't really have commitment issues, just the distance thing that really gets to me. I know that you've been engaged more times than I have. And I've been married once, but you haven't. Pressuring you is the last thing I would ever want to do. I've tried to not ask for more than anyone is willing to give. Friendly chats, flirting, and the occassional spewing of love words. Okay so It's not occassional, and it's not to convince anyone, just the sharing of what I'm feeling. I miss talking to you when it's been 2 days. Waiting a month to miss you is something I'm not able to do! I've always admitted to being spoiled. And I get spoiled to things just like the next person. I've expressed this before, but here goes, again. To be able to talk to you whenever I wanted would be like a dream come true. I think some people take that for granted. Living so far from someone, isn't easy, and can ruin a good relationship. Whether it be a friendship or the love of your life. I feel the pressure too. I feel the loneliness of not being able to reach out and touch you too. I have faith in things working out for more reasons than one. I look at my friends, and I see good friends, many miles away. Moon and Obi met over the internet, fell in love and now are living happily in the same home. So I know that Love knows no boundaries! It's a strong emotion that people share, on different levels, sure, But it's still Love. I feel all the levels of Love with you. Starting with the friendship part, sitting here chatting or playing games. Caring how we feel at the moment, to how our days may have went. We both ask each other that very thing. Admiring each other for the things we are strong enough to survive, looking at you on cam smile and laugh, some of the looks you give me. Oh and let's not forget when you get that sparkle in your eyes, not knowing if you're up to some mischief or just having fun in general! Either one, I enjoy every second of it. I treasure each moment, we spend together, for each smile we bring to each other, and the gift of knowing you. This is how I feel and yes you make it possible for me to feel loved more than I ever have felt.
Now to work on the touching you Part!! *Batting Eyelashes*
Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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