Thursday, October 14, 2004

Just catching up!

Being back in Texas, everything is familar again. Not that Oklahoma is so strange. I just didn't know where anything was nor how to get there. I'm living with my Granny for now. Back to looking for a job, that's never easy. No, I'm not complaining just sitting here thinking of having to work in the "Busy City" again is nerve racking. But, it's worth it to support my family. Strange thing is, it's not the working that bothered me. It's the driving in all the traffic that always got to me. Oh well we have to do what we have to do! And I have to get some money together to get my things out of storage before I lose it. It feels good to be able to type my thoughts again, instead of writing them down. Takes less time to do it as well. Computers sure can make you feel lazy in that aspect. LOL My family once stated, if it weren't for my computer they would never receive a letter from me. That's not true. But it always did make it easier for me to type it and for them to read. Plus, I always hated writing to them not knowing if they would actually take the time to write back. Now-a-days people just e-mail. It's cheaper and doesn't take as long to get it. The handwriting thing and spelling has stopped a many people from writing for years. Can we say, Thank God for SpellCheck?? LMAO It's saved face with me a few times, well that and a handy dictionary. *Big Grin*
Things seem to be going well. We're just trying to get used to a different schedule is all. All that is needed is to get back into a normal routine of life. Hmmmm, makes you wonder what normal is sometimes? I've watched more TV in the last few days then I have in years, and that includes movies too. I guess I'm just weird. In Oklahoma, I wrote more than anything else, well, except spending time with my boys. Now that things seem to be getting back to normality, I guess all things change.
Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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