Friday, October 15, 2004

Life with a "Runner"

Well Monday I'm supposed to go look into a couple of jobs. The boys are still getting adjusted to being here. I'm hoping it doesn't take too long, they're not letting me get much sleep. My youngest is about to drive me crazy. He comes home from school all hyped up. But, he seems to be calming down from all the running from the teachers. Oh yes, he's a runner. Anyone that has been around children knows the scariness of that. Chance has run out into the highway back in Corsicana, and a few busy roads everywhere else we've been. He's given me a few huge scares. not to mention the drivers of the vehicles he's run out in front of. It's a shame I can't put him on a cable and let him run it out, without worrying about the danger. Seems it's illegal to do that to little ones. LMAO Not that I'm mean to my children, I Love them Dearly, they seem to be their own worst danger sometimes. Wonder where he got all his stubornness from?? I'll take blame for some of it, I was never this bad. Okay I may be NOW!! I wonder if that counts? LOL
Life is Amazing sometimes. I've been talking to "Sissie" quite a bit in the last few days. She helps keep me grounded in the sense that what I've done for my kids is the right thing. The move and change really was more for them than for me. Thinking of all of that, it's no more than they deserve. They really did like it up there. The biggest shame was that they had to give up their friends, and for Bobby, his girlfriend! That hurt even me, she is a Sweetie. They were so happy together, reminds me of the good times with my someone special. That seems like a lifetime ago, even though it was just a few months back.
Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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