Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thinking or Feeling??

Sometimes, I sit here and wonder if I'm thinking with my senses. I know we've all done it. It's the times that your "someone special" makes you smile or laugh. Or, maybe the over-whelming urge to tear up from the sweet things they say. I've been having some really Great days lately. Between the e-mails and messenger conversations, a lot of "Quality" time has been spent. I'd like to think I am realistic, but then I have those "daydream" days. Yes, even at my age I daydream! It's like anyone with the lost in thought, fantasy. And trust me my creativity doesn't just lie in descriptive words. Now sharing those fantasies, can be erotic or very dangerous. Depends on who you share them with. It feels good when they say, Hey ever thought of doing this? And, well yes I have, it's been a long time fantasy of mine. Compatibility comes in different forms and levels. Whereas, my levels of sharing go further than some, there is a time when you finally get to the right page! (I'd tell you but you could probably guess the number we decided on!) He was so excited about going to see the Jazz play tonight, my mediocre disappointment for not being able to call him, diminished within seconds. I am very happy for him, really I am. It's not often you get to go see your favorite team play. I've tried to keep up with the score. But the final wasn't to his teams advantage. If he comes home in a bummed mood, I'll do my best to cheer him up. As we've both done for each other over the last year. (here and there, that is) As some know the story, some don't. Maybe one day, I'll share it!! The main thing I wanted to talk about isn't really thinking. But instead, feeling the things I think. I hope that makes sense. I don't expect a "Knight in Shining Armor," although it is a cool thought. *BigshiteatingGrin*

There are times that I'm not sure if I'm rambling on or actually making sense. Typing the words from your "Heart and Soul" doesn't always make good reading. Good thing I do have a sense of humor, even if it's demented at times. When I first started blogging, my thought was, okay I'll share with my friends so they can see just some day to day stuff. Then I went into past and present experiences. Okay the Venting thing is there, but not like I intended it to be. I've deleted a few posts. Simply because they were......Depressing?? Paint me slow, but, isn't there enough depressing things going on in the world? I don't have to add to it. No I'm not always happy. But you know what? That's okay too! I said something to someone just the other night I think I'll share with those of you that read this. "If we'd all realize the "real" things in our lives that inspire us. See all the love around us. We'd all be so much happier. That does include our friends on here too. I've never felt as Loved in my life, as I do from My Internet Friends." The Coolest part of that is, I Truly Feel this way!! I'll close with that for tonight.

Take Care, Be Safe, and We'll talk Soon!

Tina (Love)


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