Friday, November 04, 2005

Just Private Thoughts and Memories...

Memories of times gone by, a person can begin to feel their own. When I was growing up the environment wasn't very healthy. Prejudices run ramped in towns of all sizes. Our living room was no exception. Thank God it didn't take with me. My friends in life all know where I stand in this subject. When I look at a person I see them, not a color, nationality, or religion. I've never met anyone that bleeds green, if I ever do I'll let ya know. *wink* I have worked very hard to teach my boys to see a person for themselves. Their experience in foster care has me in damage-control mode at all times. My ways in life are not accepted by all in my family. Of course, my Give-a-Damn's been busted since birth on that! One thing my Daddy sit and explained to me, "Love knows no color." What matters in life is how you both feel and how you treat each other. I mean I wouldn't want to be stuck in a loveless, comfortable marriage, just because it "Looks Good." (insert green sick face here) I'd much rather have thought provoking conversations, a little role-play is all good, well there are Many choices in life depends on what "floats your boat." We're only as "freaky" as we allow ourselves, and only as kinky as our partner allows. Anyway, my boys have accepted that some things just happen, without their control. They also know that some things are controlled by others. Wit that I will close this with something I've kept in my home for 20 years.

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the
Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love


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