Thursday, November 11, 2004

This is for the Veterans and Their Loved Ones!!

On a day that we remember those that served their country, I'd like to tell you of the men in my life that Did their part. Both of my Grandfathers, three Uncles, My Godfather, both brothers, a cousin, a Very Good Neighbor, and my ex-husband. My ex wasn't the only one I know that saw action. They wouldn't talk about the things he had seen. I know it changed my ex, and not all of it was good. He grew up hard and fast in Iraq, yes, he was a part of Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield. I've learned his brother is going to Iraq soon, he might have already left, I'm not sure. If any of the others had seen action, I'll never know anything about it, for they have passed from this world. My Dad has told me of some things the cousin went through, he told him of things in Vietnam. That's where my neighbor did his time, and he didn't speak of it to me. They told me, I was too tender hearted to hear of such things. I think it was just too many bad memories. Things they had seen, heard, smelled, or felt. In a sense I can relate, the smell of burning wood brings back memories of when My Mom and Dad lost their homes, just one week apart. Or how memories of things, in detail, come back when you speak of them. Sadly, for some it's like a movie playing in the back of their eyes. We can't see it, but they can and hear everything to go with it. I sit here thinking of the Hell that all of our Men and Women are going through over-seas, as we sit here in the comfort of our homes. Not Agreeing with this war doesn't stop it. It doesn't stop our people from getting killed or maimed. It can't bring them home either! I remember how it felt to watch the news everyday, praying that they come home safely. The Soldiers are going through the worse Hell imaginable. But, the Families left home to worry and wonder have their own Hell to face each day. Never knowing if this will be the day they are visited by the chaplain and an officer. I was fortunate, my ex was wounded and come home a few weeks before his platoon. And, NO, it wasn't a war wound. He popped a primer in an empty shell, to keep it for a souvenir. (And it wasn't even for himself) He liked to have blown his hand off. But I remember the relief when he was home. So for those of you that sit at home praying and waiting, my prayers are with you, and your's always. May God Bless Each of them and keep them SAFE and close to His heart!!

Take Care, Be Safe, and We'll talk Soon!

Tina (Love)


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